Press Release:

US “Human Rights” Report: Slanderous Ritual Against Eritrea Click here

ዘሐብን መኸተ ራብዓይ ግንባር:  ጕዕዞ ታሪኽ ኤርትራ፤ ቅሉዕ ወራር፣ ዘየቋርጽ ተጻብኦ፣ ግዳማውን ውሽጣውን መሰናኽል፣ ተፈልይዎ ኣይፈልጥን ኢዩ። ጸላእቱን መጋበርያታቶምን፣ እናኽሰዓሩ ኣብ ክንዲ ስዩምን ኣላሽን ምባል፣ ስልትን ጕልባብን ቀይሮም’ዮም ክጻብእዎ ጸኒሖም። ባህሪኦም ኣጸቢቑ ዝፈልጥ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ድማ፣ ንኹሉ’ዚ ጠሓሒሱ፤ ናጽነት፣ ምድልዳል ልኡላውነት፣ ውሽጣዊ ሰላምን ስኒትን፣ ምንጻፍ ሰረተ-ልምዓት ኣረጋጊጹ ኣሎ። ምሉእ ትሕዝቶ ኣብዙ ጠውቑ።

A response to the Washington with Post’s politically charged Article that tries to depict a highly disciplined & ethical army & a country with impeccable track record for its human treatment not only civilians but also prisoners of war as well. Click here.

A Response to Congressman Brad Sherman’s Offensive Statements against Eritrea Click here.

Washington Post is Woefully Wrong with its “Facts’’ Click here.

ብምኽንያት ለበዳ ኮቪድ-19 ተቛሪጹ ዝጸንሐ ቆንስላዊ ኣገልግሎታት፡ ካብ ሰሉስ ዕለት 18 ግንቦት 2021 ጀሚሩ ክቕጽል ምዃኑ ንኩሎም ዜጋታትናን ተገልገልትናን ንሕብር። ዝርዝር ሓበሬታ ኣብዚ ጠውቑ

Embassy of Eritrea in Washington – DC will resume consular services starting Tuesday May 18th, 2021.  Please note the Embassy currently does not provide any in person (walk in) services; all services are conducted by phone and mail.  For details click here.

H. E. Isaias Afewerki
H. E. Isaias AfewerkiPresident of The State of Eritrea
Osman Saleh
Osman SalehMinister of Foreign Affairs
Berhane G. Solomon
Berhane G. SolomonChargé d’Affaires


National ID

Details on how to obtain National ID

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Eritrean Citizen Services

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Details of how to apply Visas

Details of how to apply Visas

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Press Releases:

01 September 2021 - Washington Post is Woefully Wrong with its “Facts’’ Click here.

23 August 2021 -  Eritrea deplores US unlawful Acts  click here

Annexes to the Press Release: click here

31 May 2021 - Response to Today New Africa - Click here