Eritrea: Brief synopsis of policy considerations and precepts on COVID-19
- The Government of Eritrea’s central, two-track policy framework was anchored, from the outset, on a robust preventive strategy that encompassed the full arsenal of standard and customized tools of suppression to pre-empt, and in the case of the first outbreak, sever and abort the transmission of the pandemic. In tandem with this primary approach, a Mitigation Strategy was also mapped out – with all the requisite preparations – to provide effective treatment for those who may contract the disease.
- Within this framework, calibrated preventive Non-Pharmaceutical Measures (NPHs) adopted by the Government ranged from voluntary foreign travel ban from and to the country in the early weeks – from March 11 onwards – prior to the occurrence of the first case, to rigorous, stay-at-home, policies throughout the country on 2 April, 2020. Appropriate exemptions were made, from the outset, for vital and indispensable economic sectors whose operations were allowed to continue under strict compliance and observance of all standard preventive measures. Among other things, the agricultural/fisheries sectors – household and commercial farming, artisanal and commercial fishing – the manufacturing sector; banking and financial services, the retail food and clothing sectors, the food supply chains; freight trucks were exempted from the restrictive guidelines.
- Some of the restrictive measures have now been relaxed with time – retail shops for miscellaneous merchandise; resumption of 11th/12th grades and tertiary education etc. – on the basis of rigorous evaluation of the prevailing reality. The situation also remains under constant review for further, judicious and continuous relaxation of the restrictive measures still in force.
- Comprehensive and mandatory quarantine of all travelers to Eritrea; targeted testing of quarantined individuals, febrile and other patients with COVID-19 symptoms in all clinics and hospitals throughout the country; as well as Aggressive Contact Tracing continue to constitute the three key pillars of the Preventive Strategy. The underlying rationale is palpable as the primary sources of contagion are infected individuals who travel to the country from abroad. (The attached table illustrates the number of quarantine centers and total tally of persons quarantined to-date).
- Targeted and efficient testing policy is moreover bolstered by two additional measures: i) random and representative testing in selected areas of potential COVID-19 incidence and transmission; ii) close monitoring of patterns and trends of out-patient and in-patient services in all the clinics and hospitals of the country as a proxy metric to gauge incidence and rate of transmission of the pandemic.
- The first Random Testing was carried out in Asmara from 17 May until June 2nd, 2020. The random sampling and testing carried out fulfilled the standard criterion in terms of size of representative sample, urban density, demographic composition, gender and other determinant variables. The tests covered 4659 households or 15% of the residents with one representative of the household undergoing the actual nasal and throat swab tests. In view of clustered neighborhoods and median family size of seven, the outreach of the random testing in Asmara is estimated as much greater than the minimum required sample size computed on the basis of standard variables. In this respect, the tests in Asmara represent 150,000 per a million population while the current figure for the country as a whole stands at 11,250 tests per a million population.
- With the enforcement of the ban of commercial Flights, the points of entry remain the long and porous land and sea borders of the country with the Sudan, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Yemen. More than 18,000 Eritreans have returned through irregular routes in the past four months from these countries to-date. The GOE has established numerous quarantine centers (92 at its peak) along or in the environs of these entry points. Rigorous testing routinely carried out in these quarantine centers will be bolstered by random, periodic and representative testing in all the border towns and villages to gauge the rate, if any, of potential transmission of the pandemic.
- The total number of confirmed cases to-date is 414 out of 41,100 tests. The positivity rate remains small. In the random and representative tests in Asmara, there was only one positive case out of 4659 tests; i.e. a paltry 0.02%.
- In terms of GOE’s mitigation strategy, the approach involves hospitalization and provision of necessary medicament to all patients. As it happens, the severity of the positive cases has remained invariably mild so far for all patients. And, out of 414 confirmed cases to-date, 372 patients have recovered fully. The median period of hospitalization remains at 21 days. In this respect, the recovery rate stands at 100% so far within the three weeks convalescence bracket while the mortality rate to-date is zero.
- The closure of various businesses, especially in the service and hospitality sectors, and the ban on domestic public passenger transport have inevitably entailed substantial economic hardships to various segments of Eritrean society throughout the country. For obvious reasons, the Government could not allocate substantial budgetary appropriations to provide regular, financial, disbursements to affected urban/rural households or wage-earners in the private sector who have been affected by the temporary closure of relevant enterprises. But the various Guidelines issued by the GOE have provisions against layoffs as well as for payment of continued salaries by the enterprises concerned for all their employees. The Government is naturally shouldering full payment of monthly salaries to all employees of the Civil Service as well as para-statal enterprises even in instances where some institutions perform their functions with temporary reduction of staff and/or weekly hours.
- Moreover, the Government has tapped traditional coping mechanisms to marshal community support to vulnerable groups that fall outside the categories described above through mechanisms that are implemented in the respective localities. In this respect, Eritrean communities inside the country and in the Diaspora have and continue to contribute substantial financial contributions in the fight against COVID-19 and to provide assistance to those in need in their specific neighborhoods. These initiatives remain substantive and creative to even include waivers of two-three months of rent by landlords to private tenants who may be in financial bind. These tools constitute critical components in the GOE’s multi-layered strategy of combating the pandemic.
- The GOE’s strategy of prevention has also incorporated an extensive and comprehensive media campaign (through TV, Radio and mobile telephone platforms) to sensitize the population on the various facets of the pandemic as well as the individual/community measures of social distancing, sanitation and other tools that all citizens ought to observe to enhance the well-being of their communities and the nation as a whole.
Ministry of Health
12 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty five patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Enda- Ghiorghis (12), Mai Mine (1), Decamere (1), in the Southern Region; and, eleven at OPD Services in Asmara, Central Region.
Two patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Central Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities. Sadly, however, a 50-year old male patient who was receiving medical treatment for COVID-19 at the hospital in Decamere has passed away.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 599 while the number of deaths is one.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 832.
Ministry of Health
22 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Fifty three patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Senafe (27), Adi-Quala (3), in the Southern Region; Tessenei (2), Gash Barka Region; as well as at Q/Centers and OPD Services in Asmara (21), Central Region.
On the other hand, seventeen patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 597.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 807.
Ministry of Health
21 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirteen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today in Asmara, Central Region.
Four of the patients are nationals who were at Quarantine Centers in Asmara after their return from Uganda a few days ago on a Chartered Flight while the nine other patients are residents in Asmara with no recent history of travel abroad.
The number of Eritreans who are returning home through irregular routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen continues to rise and has reached 26,893 so far.
On the other hand, eight patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Asmara have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 580.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 754.
Ministry of Health
19 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirty patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Q/Centers in Central, Anseba and Gash Barka Regions as well as standard tests conducted in Asmara for nationals prior to their scheduled travel abroad on a Charter Flight.
The first batch of twenty one positive cases are from Quarantine Centers in: Adibara (11); Guluj (1); Keren (1), and Asmara (8) respectively. Fifteen of these are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently while the remaining six patients are nationals with no recent history of travel abroad.
The other nine patients intending to travel abroad come from: Asmara (3); Foro (1); Massawa (1); Hagaz (1); Hamelmalo (1). Adi-Ghebru (1); and Segeneiti (1).
On the other hand, eight patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka and Southern Red Sea Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 572.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 741.
Ministry of Health
17 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirty patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Q/Centers in Central, Anseba and Gash Barka Regions as well as standard tests conducted in Asmara for nationals prior to their scheduled travel abroad on a Charter Flight.
The first batch of twenty one positive cases are from Quarantine Centers in: Adibara (11); Guluj (1); Keren (1), and Asmara (8) respectively. Fifteen of these are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently while the remaining six patients are nationals with no recent history of travel abroad.
The other nine patients intending to travel abroad come from: Asmara (3); Foro (1); Massawa (1); Hagaz (1); Hamelmalo (1). Adi-Ghebru (1); and Segeneiti (1).
On the other hand, eight patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka and Southern Red Sea Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 572.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 741.
Ministry of Health
17 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Fifty five patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Q/Centers in Senafe (13), Enda Ghiorghis (7), and Mai Dima (1) in the Southern Region; Mai Himet (1) in the Northern Red Sea Region; as well as Asmara (33) in Central Region.
The 33 patients from the Quarantine Centers in Asmara are all nationals who returned from Uganda through a Charter Flight while the rest 22 patients are nationals who returned through irregular routes from Ethiopia and Sudan recently. In his connection, the number of Eritreans who have returned through irregular routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Jibouti and Yemen to-date has reached 23,693.
On the other hand, thirty nine patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 564.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 711.
Ministry of Health
12 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Q/Centers in Adibara (5), Barentu (1), and a resident in Tesseney (1) in Gash Barka Region.
The six patients from the Quarantine Centers are nationals who returned recently from Sudan.
On the other hand, eight patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka and Central Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 525.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 656.
Ministry of Health
10 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seventeen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Center in Enda Ghiorghis, Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned recently from Ethiopia. As intimated in previous communications, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues unabated to reach 22,647 to-date.
On the other hand, nine patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 517.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 649.
Ministry of Health
7 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirty eight patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Adibara (35), Gash Barka Region; Gibdo (1), Southern Red Sea Region; as well as two residents in Asmara (2).
The other 36 patients are nationals who returned recently from Sudan and Ethiopia.
On the other hand, ten patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka and Southern Red Sea Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 508.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 632.
Ministry of Health
4 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seventeen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Asmara.
All the patients are nationals who returned recently with Charter Flights from Ethiopia (12), Italy (2), Germany (2), and Sweden (1).
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has accordingly risen to 594.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 498.
Ministry of Health
3 December 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eleven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Q/Centers in Enda Ghiorghis (7), Senafe (2), and, Mai-Mine (2) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, twenty-one patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 498.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 577.
Ministry of Health
28 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eight patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Center in Adibara – Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, four patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 477.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 566.
Ministry of Health
26 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Gibdo (3), Southern Red Sea Region; and, Asmara (4), Central Region respectively.
All the patients in Gibdo are nationals who returned from Ethiopia through the irregular routes while the four patients who have tested positive in Asmara are nationals who returned recently with Charter Flights from the US (3) and Germany (1).
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has accordingly risen to 558.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 473.
Ministry of Health
23 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty four patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Senafe (23), and Tsorona (1) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, seventeen patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 473.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 551.
Ministry of Health
21 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Nine patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Adibara (7), Shilalo (1), and Mukti (1) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
Although the movement of people from one country to another remains banned in the region as a whole, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 21,655 so far.
On the other hand, five patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 456.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 527.
Ministry of Health
19 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty five patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Senafe (17), Enda-Ghiorghis (6), and Ubel (2) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, seven patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 451.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 518.
Ministry of Health
16 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Shambuqo (1), and, Om-Hajer (1) in Gash Barka Region.
Both patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia and Sudan recently.
On the other hand, six patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka (5) and Anseba (1) Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 444.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 493.
Ministry of Health
12 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Senafe (4), Enda Ghiorghis (2), and, Tsorona (1) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, nine patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 438.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 491.
Ministry of Health
7 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Four patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Adibara (2), and, Shambuqo (2) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, three patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 429.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 484.
Ministry of Health
5 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seventeen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Serha (14), Enda Giorghis (2), and Tsorona (1) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, fourteen patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 426.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 480.
Ministry of Health
2 November 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Center in Antorre, Gash Barka Region and Hamelmalo in Anseba Region.
Both patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, seven patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 412.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 463.
Ministry of Health
30 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Four patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Center in Senafe in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, 14 patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern (13) and Central (1) Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 405.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 461.
Ministry of Health
23 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Five patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers Adibara (2), Girmaika (2), and Om-Hajer (1) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, three patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 391.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 457.
Ministry of Health
22 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirty patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Enda-Giorghis (21), Senafe (5), Tsorona (3) and Mai-Mine (1) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
Although the movement of people from one country to another remains banned in the region as a whole, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 18,817 so far.
On the other hand, twelve patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 388.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 452.
Ministry of Health
17 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eight patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Adibara (7) and Shambiqo (1) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, four patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 376.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 422.
Ministry of Health
15 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Nine patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Senafe (5) and Tsorona (4) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, eight patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 372.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 414.
Ministry of Health
10 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Shilao (5), Adibara (1) in Gash Barka Region; and, the Nyala Hotel (1) in Asmara in the Central Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently. The patient in Asmara is one of those quarantined on arrival from Ethiopia with a Chartered Flight two weeks ago.
On the other hand, six patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 364.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 405.
Ministry of Health
8 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seventeen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Senafe (14), Mai Mine (1)), Tsorona (1); and Enda-Giorghis (1) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
Although the movement of people from one country to another remains banned in the region as a whole, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 17,490 so far.
On the other hand, five patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern and Southern Red Sea Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 358.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 398.
Ministry of Health
3 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Six patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Adibara (1), Shilalo (2)), Mukhti (1); Goluj (1), and Om-Hager (1) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, twelve patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka and Southern Regions have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 353.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 381.
Ministry of Health
1 October 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Six patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Serha (5), Southern Region; and, Bada (1), Northern Red Sea Region respectively.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, eleven patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Red Sea Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 341.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 375.
Ministry of Health
26 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Five patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Mukhti (3) and Adibara (2) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, twenty-one patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 330.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 369.
Ministry of Health
24 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Four patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 309.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 364.
Ministry of Health
22 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Three patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Quarantine Centers in Oubel (2) and Senafe (1) in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, one patient who was receiving medical treatment in a hospital in the Southern Region has recovered fully and was released from the facility today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 305.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 364.
Ministry of Health
15 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Q/Centers in Adibara (5), Gergef (2), Ali-Ghidir (1), Mukuti (1) in Gash Barka Region; and, Beilul (6), Gibdo (5) in Southern Red Sea Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned recently from Sudan, Ethiopia and Yemen.
On the other hand, nine patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and have been released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 304.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 361.
Ministry of Health
10 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eleven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Centers in Serha (6); Tsorona (2); Enda Ghiorghis (2); and, Mai Mine (1) respectively in the Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has accordingly risen to 341.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 295.
Ministry of Health
8 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eleven patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Centers in Adibara (10) and Shilalo (1) in Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, eleven patients who were receiving treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 295.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 330.
Ministry of Health
3 September 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Center in the environs of Senafe; Southern Region.
The patient is a national who returned from Ethiopia recently.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 284.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 319.
Ministry of Health
31 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Beilul Quarantine Center; Southern Red Sea Region.
The patient is a national who returned from Ethiopia recently.
As it happens, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 14,190 so far.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 284.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 318.
Ministry of Health
29 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Adibara Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka Region.
The patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, eight patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 284.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 317.
Ministry of Health
27 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Nine patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Adibara (8) and Enda Giorghis (1) Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka and Southern Regions respectively.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, two patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Southern Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 276.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 315.
Ministry of Health
25 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at Adibara Quarantine Centre in Gash Barka Region.
The two patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, thirteen patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 274.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 306.
Ministry of Health
20 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Nineteen patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today in Gash Barka Region – Q/Centers Adibara (16), Al-Ghidir (1), and Om-Hajer (1); and Serha (1) in Southern Region respectively.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia recently.
As it happens, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 13,306 so far.
On the other hand, twelve patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region as well as one patient in Southern Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 261.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 304.
Ministry of Health
18 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Three COVID-19 patients who had been receiving necessary medical treatment in hospitals in the Southern Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to-date to 248.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 285.
Ministry of Health
10 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Three patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today in Quarantine Centers in the environs of Adibara (2), and Gergef (1); Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
Although the movement of people from one country to another remains banned in the region as a whole, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 12,375 so far.
On the other hand, 20 patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 245.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 285.
Ministry of Health
7 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Three patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today at the Quarantine Center in the environs of Serha; Southern Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia through irregular land routes only recently.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date accordingly stands at 282.
225 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospitals in the past while the remaining 57 patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
3 August 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
14 patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out in Adibara (13) and Ghiremaika (1) Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka Region, today.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, 34 patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 225.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 279.
Ministry of Health
30 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today in Enda Giorghis Quarantine Center; Southern Region.
The two patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
On the other hand, two patients who were receiving medical treatment in hospitals in Afabet and Mendefera respectively have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
The total number of recovered patients to-date accordingly stands at 191.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 265.
Ministry of Health
27 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today in Quarantine Centers in the environs of Assab, Southern Red Sea Region; and, Senafe, Southern Region respectively.
The two patients are nationals who returned from Ethiopia recently.
Although the movement of people from one country to another remains banned in the region as a whole, the return of our nationals from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular routes continues to-date to reach 11,650 so far.
The total number of recovered patients to-date stands at 189.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 263.
Ministry of Health
25 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Ten patients have been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out today in Adibara Quarantine Center, Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are nationals who returned from Sudan recently.
On the other hand, 34 patients who had been receiving necessary medical treatment in hospitals in Gash Barka Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to 189.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 261.
Ministry of Health
23 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Six COVID-19 patients who had been receiving necessary medical treatment in hospitals in the Northern Red Sea Region have recovered fully and were released from these facilities today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to 155.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 251.
Ministry of Health
17 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
19 patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out in Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka and Southern Region respectively today. Out of the aggregate cases, 15 were quarantined in the environs of Adibara; 2 in Gergef; 1 in Ali-Gidir, Gash Barka Region; and the last one in Senafe, Southern Region.
All are nationals who returned from Sudan and Ethiopia through irregular land routes recently.
On the other hand, 42 patients have recovered fully and were released from hospitals in Gash Barka (37), Southern Region (4) and Central Region (1).
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 251.
149 of these have recovered fully and were released periodically from the respective hospitals while the remaining 102 continue to receive necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
16 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
17 patients were diagnosed positive for COVID 19 in tests carried out today in the Quarantine Center in the environs of Adibara, Gash Barka Region.
All are nationals who returned from Sudan through irregular land routes recently.
On the other hand, 51 patients have recovered fully and were released from hospitals in Gash Barka (50) and Assab (1) today.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 232.
107 of these have recovered fully and were released periodically from the respective hospitals while the remaining 125 continue to receive necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
9 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
12 patients were diagnosed positive for COVID 19 in extensive tests carried out in Quarantine Centers – seven in environs of Om-Hajer; 2 in Gerger; 1 in Gerenfit; 1 in Ali-Gidir and 1 in Haykota – in Gash Barka Region today.
All are nationals who returned from Sudan through irregular land routes only recently.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 215.
56 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital while the remaining 159 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
2 July 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
12 patients were diagnosed positive for COVID 19 in tests carried out in Quarantine Centers in Southern Region and Northern Red Sea Region today.
The five patients in the Southern Region (4 in the environs of Forto/Senafe and 1 in Enda Giorghis) were recent returnees from Ethiopia while the seven patients in Northern Red Sea Region (4 in the environs of Karora, 2 in Mai Himet and 1in Nakfa) returned from Sudan in the past weeks.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues to-date.
On the other hand, 3 patients have recovered fully and were released from the hospital in Asmara today.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 203.
56 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital while the remaining 147 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
30 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty four (24) patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in extensive tests carried out today for the second and last large batch of nationals who returned from Sudan recently and were put in Quarantine Centers in the environs of Adibara; Gash Barka Region.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues to-date.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 191.
53 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital while the remaining 138 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
27 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty four (24) patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in extensive tests carried out today for the second and last large batch of nationals who returned from Sudan recently and were put in Quarantine Centers in the environs of Adibara; Gash Barka Region.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues to-date.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 191.
53 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital while the remaining 138 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
27 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty three (23) patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in extensive tests carried out today for the first large batch of nationals who returned from Sudan recently and were put in Quarantine Centers in the environs of Adibara; Gash Barka Region.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, the influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues unabated to reach 9,163 persons to-date.
On the other hand, 14 patients have recovered fully and were released from a hospital in Gash Barka Region today.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 167.
53 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital while the remaining 114 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
26 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient was diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out at the Quarantine Center in the environs of Molqi, Gash Barka Region.
The patient is an Eritrean national who returned from Ethiopia few days ago.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues to-date.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 144.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 105 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
24 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient was diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time in the environs of Assab; Southern Red Sea Region.
The patient is an Eritrean national who returned from Djibouti recently.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues to-date.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 143.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 104 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
20 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eleven (11) patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time in the environs of Om-Hajer, Goluj, Ali-Gidir and Ghirmaika; Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are Eritrean nationals who returned from the Sudan in recent weeks.
In spite of the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole, influx of our nationals to the country from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen through irregular land and sea routes continues to-date.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county has now risen to 142.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 103 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
18 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Ten (10) patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time in the environs of Om-Hajer and Ali-Gidir; Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are Eritrean nationals who returned from the Sudan in recent weeks.
As pointed out in announcements in these past days , 7764 nationals have returned home to-date through irregular land and sea routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti as well as Yemen despite the overall ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole.
Out of this aggregate number, 4,359 persons were duly released from the respective quarantine centers after completion of the rigorous process in force while 3,405 persons still remain in 47 centers throughout the country.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 131.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 92 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
17 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Eleven (11) additional patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for nationals who returned home from the Sudan recently and who have completed their quarantine time at Adibara; Gash Barka Region.
In addition, one person who returned from Ethiopia to Asmara was diagnosed positive for COVID-19.
As underlined in previous announcements, the number of our nationals returning home through irregular land and sea routes from neighboring countries continues to grow despite the ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole.
As it happens, 7,765 nationals have returned home in the past couple of months. Out of these, 3,406 still remain in quarantine in 47 centers while the rest were periodically released on completion of standard quarantine processes.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 121.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 82 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
16 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirteen (13) additional patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time at Adibara; Gash Barka Region.
All the patients are Eritrean nationals who returned from the Sudan in recent weeks.
As pointed out in the announcements of last week, 7764 nationals have returned home to-date through irregular land and sea routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti as well as Yemen despite the overall ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole.
Out of this aggregate number, 4,359 persons were duly released from the respective quarantine centers after completion of the rigorous process in force while 3,405 persons still remain in 47 centers throughout the country.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 109.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 70 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
15 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Thirty-one (31) additional patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time at Adibara and Molqi Quarantine Centers in Gash Barka Region.
30 of these are nationals who returned from the Sudan and who were quarantined at Adibara while one patient is a national who returned from Ethiopia and was quarantined at Molqi.
As underlined in the announcement yesterday, 7158 nationals have returned home through irregular land and sea routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti as well as Yemen in the past two months despite the overall ban on people’s movements in the region as a whole. 3,135 persons still remain in 47 quarantine centers throughout the country.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 96.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 57 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
14 June 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Twenty four patients (24) were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today in tests carried out for individuals who had completed their quarantine time at Adibara Quarantine Center – Gash Barka Region, Forto Sawa Sub-zone.
In the past two months, 1370 nationals who returned home through irregular land routes from the Sudan were quarantined in Adibara. Out of these, 117 individuals were released after due processes while 1253 persons still remain quarantined in the Center.
Although the movement of peoples remains banned in the region as a whole, 7158 nationals have returned home through land and sea routes from Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti as well as Yemen in the past two months. 3,135 persons still remain in 47 quarantine centers throughout the country.
In addition to the ongoing random testing, all individuals have to undergo, as a normative procedure, testing prior to their release from the quarantine centers.
The total number of confirmed cases in the county to-date has now risen to 65.
39 of these have recovered fully and were released from hospital in the past while the remaining 26 are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
13 June 2020

First phase of random and extensive COVID-19 testing launched
Asmara, 17 May 2020 – The first phase of the random and extensive testing to gauge the spread of COVID-19 in the country was carried out in several sections of Asmara today 17 May.
According to the statement the High Level Task Force released on 16 May, the objective of the random and extensive COVID-19 testing is to gauge the spread of COVID-19 in the country in a comprehensive and more reliable manner.
The first phase testingwill include towns and villages in border areas, as well as front-line employees in the Ministry of Health and other relevant institutions.
Statement on Random Testing
COVID -19 continues to spread at an alarming rate globally since the first outbreak of the disease in December last year. To-date, the pandemic has engulfed more than 200 counties and territories infecting more than 4.6 million people and claiming more than 300,000 lives.
In the majority of countries, controlling the contagion and leveling the curve still remain elusive objectives and aspirations. Reversing the rate of transmission and eschewing the risk of resurgence have not, indeed, crystallized yet.
At the same time, the multiple and intensive researches earnestly underway to find vaccines or therapeutic drugs for COVID-19 are still at an early, preliminary phase. All these factors accentuate the magnitude and gravity of the global pandemic.
Against this preoccupying backdrop, the GOE’s strategy of combating COVID-19 has been clear and unequivocal from the outset.
The essence of this policy consists of taking, first and foremost, all requisite measures to prevent an outbreak of the disease and to curtail its transmission through robust Non-Pharmaceutical Measures in the event of its occurrence in the country. This strategy of suppression is predicated on the overarching concept of “”blocking the transmission chain of COVID-19” rather than merely focusing on mitigation measures of provision of medical treatment to infected patients.
In this respect, the GOE has implemented, prior to and after the onset of the disease, a raft of preventive measures with increasing intensity in response to the situation on the ground. These measures include the “stay at home” policy that is still in force. The conscientious role of the Eritrean people has been and remains a critical element in the success of this endeavour.
One of the central features of the strategy of prevention consists of putting in quarantine all persons who entered the country through air, sea and land routes. This was implemented from the outset. The strategy also incorporates active tracing and quarantining of immediate contacts of those diagnosed positive for COVID-19. In this respect, 3,486 persons have been quarantined to-date in 70 centers established throughout the country. Over 2,400 were released subsequently after due processes while over 1,000 individuals still remain in quarantine in 33 centers.
In tandem with these measures, necessary medical treatment was given to those diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in appropriate facilities set up for the purpose. The total number of infected individuals to-date is 39. All of them have recovered fully and the last patient was released from hospital yesterday.
Inspiring as it is, this milestone is not a cause for complacency. Indeed, there are critical questions that must be addressed. We cannot state, at this stage, that the spread of COVID-19 has been curtailed fully in view of the nature and gravity of the disease, the prevailing global and regional realties and trends, as well as the substantial proportion of asymptomatic cases that may exist at any point in time.
In the event, the GOE has decided for the launching of random and extensive testing to gauge the spread of COVID-19 in the country in a comprehensive and more reliable manner. This endeavour is essential for the full appraisal that will be inferred from detailed and extensive data.
In this respect, the first phase of tests will be carried out in several sections of Asmara from Sunday, 17th May onwards. Towns and villages in border areas, as well as front-line employees in the Ministry of Health and other relevant institutions will also be part and parcel of this first phase testing. Modalities for subsequent phases of testing will be determined by the outcome of the first phase as well as relevant global and regional realities and trends.
In conclusion, the High Level Task Force urges all citizens to maintain the commendable role that they have played so far in the full implementation of the Guidelines, and, to rectify few breaches that have occurred intermittently until the completion of the tests for a solid appraisal of the situation with full certainty.
High Level Task Force for COVID-19
16 May 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient has recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and was released from hospital today.
This result means that all 39 confirmed cases in the country to-date have recovered fully.
But as underlined last week, this important milestone should not induce complacency at this point in time.
Indeed, it is vital that every citizen continue to fully adhere to, and diligently implement, the GOE Guidelines in force until the ongoing task of detailed and comprehensive assessment to gauge the spread of the pandemic in the entire country with full certainty is accomplished.
Ministry of Health
15 May 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Ministry of Health
8 May 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seven patients have recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and were released from hospital today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to-date to thirty-seven (37).
The number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is thirty nine.
In spite of its positive features, this achievement should not, however, convey a wrong picture and prompt us to relax our guard.
The positive preliminary achievement obtained so far is the outcome of the rigorous efforts undertaken to put in quarantine – within the overall GOE strategy of prevention – all the nationals that returned home in the past two months through air, land and sea travel as well as their immediate contacts in cases where this was necessary. (The total number of quarantined individuals exceeds three thousand). The strategy also incorporated the provision of necessary medical treatment to all those who were diagnosed positive for COVID-19.
However, the task of detailed and comprehensive assessment to gauge the spread of the pandemic in the entire country with full certainty is barely on the offing after the completion of all necessary preparations. Furthermore, we must bear in mind that COVID-19 continues to spread in the world and our region without let-up.
In the event, we urge every citizen to continue to fully adhere to, and diligently implement, the GOE Guidelines in force.
Ministry of Health
8 May 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Four patients have recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and were released from hospital today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to-date to thirty (30).
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 39.
Ministry of Health
5 May 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Six patients have recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and were released from hospital today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to-date to Nineteen (19).
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 39.
Ministry of Health
28 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two patients have recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and were released from hospital today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to-date to thirteen.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 39.
Ministry of Health
25 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Five patients have recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and were released from hospital today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to eleven.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 39.
Ministry of Health
23 April 2020
Guidelines from the High-Level Task Force on COVID-19
As it will be recalled, the Government of Eritrea issued, on April 1st this month, the “Stay at Home” Guidelines to supplement and bolster previous measures. The Guidelines were effective for three weeks from the 2nd until 22nd April. Rigorous enforcement measures were subsequently put in place and pursued with the requisite effectiveness.
All these measures are geared, in their totality, to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and thereby ensure effective implementation of the central preventive strategy that the GOE had mapped out from the outset.
All relevant institutions have and continue to be fully and earnestly involved, with laudable commitment and coordination, to stop the spread of the pandemic.
In this respect, more than 1660 nationals who returned home–in the past thirty days – from abroad by commercial flights, through our ports and land borders, as well as their immediate family members and contacts, have and continue to be quarantined for 21 days.
All suspected cases have undergone through standard tests while those diagnosed positive have and continue to receive necessary medical treatment.
All these integrated efforts are aimed at controlling the spread of COVID-19. Still, the number of infected individuals to-date has reached 39.
In spite of few and isolated instances of breach, strict adherence by the general public to GOE Guidelines as well as to the professional advice and sensitization programmes conducted by medical doctors and other experts has been commendable indeed.
However, and in view of the nature and gravity of this pandemic, we cannot assert, with certainty, that the spread of COVID-19 has been fully controlled in this relatively short period. Indeed, the abrupt and exponential spike of contagion of the disease that we have witnessed in many countries after initial weeks of relatively slow rate of spread accentuates the gravity of the potential danger and the urgency of pursuing our preventive efforts more vigorously.
In the circumstances, and in order to guarantee the safety of the people and the country, the Government of Eritrea announces that the Guidelines in place since April 1st, will remain in force while the spread of COVID-19 will continue to be assessed comprehensively and the resultant accurate information made public at the appropriate time.
The Guidelines in place, and that will remain effective in accordance with the current announcement, will guarantee continuation of key development programmes and vital public services. Yet, they will entail onerous hardships on the daily lives of citizens; especially on segments who eke out subsistence living. Furthermore, enterprises in the Service Sector which have been closed are shouldering the additional burden of paying salaries to their employees besides forfeiting their business revenues.
These hardships are enormous. But taking into account our capabilities and the gravity of the looming danger, we have no option, other than strict implementation of our preventive strategy, for stopping and curtailing the spread of this vicious pandemic. In the event, it is critical that all concerned contribute their part in the implementation of the current Guidelines with greater patience, commitment and diligence.
The exemplary commitment, mutual solidarity, and support to the disadvantaged that our people have shown in the fight against COVID-19 is admirable indeed. The financial contributions that our citizens at home and in the Diaspora have and continue to make to enhance GOE’s preventive strategy in the fight against the pandemic and to buttress the National Fund is an eloquent testimony of our rich culture of compassion and solidarity. These gestures warrant recognition and gratitude.
In conclusion, we express profound gratitude to all relevant institutions who have been engaged in monitoring the implementation of GOE Guidelines with high responsibility and commitment and urge them to pursue these functions with greater diligence.
High Level Task Force on COVID-19
22 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Three patients have recovered fully after standard tests at the National Laboratory and were released from hospital today.
This brings the number of recovered patients to six.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date is 39.
Ministry of Health
21 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Four patients – three females and one male – were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out for quarantined individuals yesterday and today.
Three of the patients are nationals who returned home prior to the ban on Flights while the fourth patient is a national with no history of travel abroad. Their age range varies from 22 to 50.
In related development, three patients have recovered fully and were released from hospital today.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has risen to 39. All the remaining 36 patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
18 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient was diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out for quarantined individuals today.
The patient is a 25-years old male national who returned home prior to the ban on Flights.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date to 35. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
14 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
One patient was diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out for quarantined individuals yesterday and today.
The patient is a 72-years old male national who returned home prior to the ban on Flights.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date to 34. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
10 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
It is to be recalled that all passenger flights to and from the country were banned for two weeks.
This is extended now in accordance with Article 11 of the guidelines of the High Level Task Force on COVID-19 Article 1, which ‘supplements’ and ‘supersedes’ all previous measures and is effective for 21 days.
Ministry of Health
07 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Two male patients, aged 30 and 62 respectively, were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in tests carried out for 20 quarantined individuals yesterday and today.
Both patients are nationals who returned home prior to the ban on Flights.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has now risen to 33. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
8 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Among 14 people tested today, two patients: i) a 61-year-old female; and, ii) a 35 year-old male, were diagnosed positive for COVID-19.
One of these patients is a national who returned home prior to the ban on Flights while the other contracted the disease here in the country.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has now risen to 31. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
6 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Seven patients – five females and two males – were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 during tests carried out today.
The six quarantined patients are nationals who returned home prior to the ban on Flights. The seventh patient contracted the disease here in the country. The age range of the patients varies from 21 to 69.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has now risen to 29. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
4 April 2020
Guidelines from the High Level Task Force on COVID-19
Aware of the grave danger that the COVID-19 pandemic poses, the Government of Eritrea has been issuing important and timely guidelines and taking necessary measures to fully curtail its spread in the country. Implementation of the guidelines and measures issued remain, however, vexingly inadequate. Furthermore, the number of infected individuals to-date has reached 18. And what is worrisome is that one of these cases is, unlike the others, a person who has contracted the disease here in the country without any history of foreign travel. The situation is therefore very grave; warranting the adoption of much more stringent measures.
In this respect, the GOE issues the following guidelines that will be effective from tomorrow, Thursday 2 April 2020, and that will remain in force for 21 days.
1. All citizens are compelled to stay at home. This directive will not apply to those engaged in indispensable developmental and security tasks.
2. Members of a household, not exceeding two at a time, are allowed to go out from their homes to buy essential food items during the day. This conditional permission also holds for emergency medical treatment.
3. All trading activities and transactions will be banned in this period. Similarly, weekly markets that occur in various parts of the country will remain closed. Food production, supply and processing enterprises as well as grocery stores, pharmacies and banks will however continue to provide services. These institutions will close at 8:00 pm every evening.
4. All Government Institutions will stop routine services and functions to focus on indispensable developmental and security tasks. Majority of public sector employees will thus stay at home.
5. With the exception of citizens employed in institutions that will continue their functions, all other individuals confined to their homes are not allowed to use their private cars during this period.
6. Major productive and service sectors (manufacturing, food processing, construction, Trucking etc.) will continue their functions.
7. Citizens in the rural areas engaged in farming and animal husbandry will continue to engage in their vital developmental tasks.
8. Rigorous implementation of the measures spelled out above will be secured, beyond the critical commitment of the citizens concerned, by the Police and Security authorities as well as by neighborhood committees. Punitive legal measures will be taken on any individual who violates current and previous Government guidelines.
9. All public and private institutions that will continue their operations will have to strictly observe social-distancing and all other guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health.
10. All personnel of the public and private bodies that will continue their operations will be issued with permits by their respective institutions.
11. This guideline supplements and supersedes, when necessary, all previous Government guidelines.
12. This guideline provides for continuation of key development projects and vital public services. Yet, it will entail considerable hardships on the daily lives of citizens. But considering the gravity of the threat that the nation and the people are facing from this pandemic, there is no option other than overcoming it through our characteristic fortitude, resilience and sense of compassion and solidarity. It is therefore incumbent on all of us to implement the current and previous Government guidelines with keen awareness and earnest commitment.
High Level Task Force on COVID-19
1 April 2020
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Three patients were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 during tests carried out yesterday and today.
Two of these patients – a 32-year old male and a 52-year old female – came to Eritrea from abroad prior to the ban on Flights.
The third patient is a 13-year old girl who contracted the disease from her mother who came from abroad. The mother and her family members were quarantined in the past week.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country to-date has now risen to 18. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
1 April 2020
Ministry of Health: Public Announcement No.6
The Government of Eritrea has been issuing guidelines periodically for controlling the spread of COVID-19. The guidelines have not been implemented with the rigor and seriousness that they warrant. Contrary to the guidelines on social distancing, the crowding that continues to occur in religious places of worship, and other social events as well as in service enterprises is extremely preoccupying. At a time when the pandemic is spreading all over the world at an alarming rate and entailing huge loss of life, all guidelines must be respected fully by every citizen. The relevant government bodies must also take appropriate deterrent action.
In this respect, the following measures are being taken in addition to those which were announced previously:
1. Relevant government authorities will take punitive measures from tomorrow, 31st March 2020, on all citizens and institutions that violate the guidelines.
2. Bars, restaurants, cafés and other service outlets that cater to sizable clients will be closed for 14 days from 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, 31st March 2020. All employees of these enterprises will not be laid off and their full salary for the period in question will be borne by the employer.
3. Essential enterprises, banks, pharmacies, groceries and outlets for other necessary consumer goods will remain open.
4. Payment of electricity, water and telephone household bills will be postponed.
5. All court sessions – at all levels – will be postponed until further notice.
6. All Government bodies will issue and observe detailed guidelines to implement all measures taken to-date in their respective institutions.
Ministry of Health
30 March 2020
Public Announcement from the Ministry of Health
Six more passengers that came to Eritrea prior to the ban on Flights, (enforced on March 25), were diagnosed positive for COVID-19 during tests carried out in the past three days.
Five of these are women while their age ranges from 32 to 60.
Four of these patients were quarantined originally on arrival at Asmara International Airport.
The two asymptomatic patients were not, however, quarantined on arrival as none of the passengers in that Flight exhibited any symptom during screening at the Airport at the time.
The total number of confirmed cases in the country has now reached 12. All the patients are receiving necessary medical treatment.
Ministry of Health
29 March 2020
Ministry of Health: Public Announcement No. 5
Two other passengers who returned home with Air Arabia Airlines on Monday 23 March tested positive, bringing the total number of patients in the country diagnosed with COVID-19 to six. All the patients are receiving necessary treatment and their condition remains satisfactory.
As underlined in previous weeks, the Government of Eritrea has been, and continues to take, several important measures to contain and fully stop the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. In this respect, the MoH issues the following additional guidelines today:
1. All institutions of learning – from Kindergarten to Colleges – will be closed starting tomorrow, 27 March 2020.
2. All public transport vehicles – buses, minibuses and taxis – in all the cities will stop services from 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, March 27th. Use of trucks for public transport is illicit and punishable by law.
3. With the exception of those who may be granted special permit by the competent authority in urgent circumstances, all public transport services from one Region to another, or from one city to another, will likewise be stopped from 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, 27 March 2020.
4. These guidelines will remain effective until further notice.
5. Although all Government institutions play a significant role in the effective implementation of the current and previous guidelines, it is nonetheless incumbent on every citizen to act with due diligence and responsibility to ensure his/her own good health and safety as well as those of his/her family.
6. The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor developments and trends regarding COVID-19 and issue, as necessary, further information and guidelines.
Ministry of Health
26 March 2020
Ministry of Health: Public Announcement No. 4
- Three passengers who arrived in Asmara from Dubai with flight Air Arabia on Monday 23 March at 5:00 a.m. LT, were diagnosed positive for COVID-19, today. All three passengers are Eritrean nationals resident in the country. This puts the total number of infected individuals, to-date, to four. The passengers who were on the same flight with the patients and all those who came in physical contact with them have been quarantined. All the patients are receiving necessary treatment at Villagio Hospital (Asmara) and remain in satisfactory condition.
- In this connection, commercial passenger flights to and from Eritrea will not be allowed from midnight today, (25 March 2020). The ban will remain effective for two weeks until further review.
- The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor developments and trends regarding COVID-19 and issue, as necessary, further information and guidelines.
Ministry of Health
25 March 2020
Ministry of Health: Public Guidelines (No. 3)
As announced through local media guidelines, an Eritrean national resident in Norway who flew to Asmara last Saturday, March 21st, was confirmed positive for COVID-19. The patient is receiving all necessary treatment while passengers who travelled on the same Airline were subsequently quarantined.
The Ministry of Health urges, again, all citizens and foreigners residing in the country to take utmost precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic and to strictly implement Government guidelines for the safety of their own lives and the country.
In this spirit, the MoH issues the following additional guidelines:
1. Every person should avoid non-essential movement within the city or village of residence as well as travel to other places inside the country. Every person should likewise avoid travel by bus, mini-bus and taxis unless in emergencies.
- All public gatherings, sport and cultural events that assemble a crowd of more than 10 people are prohibited. Cinemas and night-clubs will remain closed until further notice. Social distancing must be heeded to in other commercial units and centers.
- Aggregation of more than 10 people at social events (funerals, weddings, mourning, baptism and other gatherings) is banned.
- Every citizen must observe, and same instruction is being given by religious leaders to the faithful, prayers and associated religious sermons in their homes.
- All Eritrean nationals living abroad are urged to take all necessary precautionary measures for their own safety, the safety of their families as well as the Eritrean communities. They should also refrain from travelling to Eritrea.
- Stringent legal measures will be taken on all individuals and commercial enterprises that engage in hoarding and speculative price hikes by misconstruing the precautionary measures that are being taken to safeguard the safety of the Eritrean people and the country.
- The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor developments regarding COVID-19 and issue additional information and guidelines as necessary.
Ministry of Health
23 March 2020–ministry-of-health-public-guidelines-no-3
Announcement from the Ministry of Health
A 39-year old Eritrean national who has permanent residence in Norway arrived at Asmara International Airport at 7:00 a.m. today, March 21st, from Norway with Fly Dubai.
The patient exhibited symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) at the screening process in the airport. He was quarantined promptly and diagnosed positive for COVID-19 after subsequent tests at the National Health laboratory.
The patient is receiving all necessary treatment.
Ministry of Health
21 March 2020
Ministry of Health: Additional Public Announcement on COVID-19
Fully cognizant of the grave danger that Corona Virus (COVID-19) potentially poses to the safety of all nationals as well as expatriates in the country, the Ministry of Health, (MoH), had issued four-point guidelines on March 11 last week. The guidelines focused, primarily, on voluntary travel restrictions from, and to, Eritrea. The MoH also indicated, in the public announcement of March 11, that it will follow developments and trends closely and issue additional information and guidelines accordingly.
In this respect, and although there is no outbreak of COVID-19 in our country so far, the Ministry of Health issues the following guidelines to all nationals and expatriates residing in the county in view of the rapid spread of the pandemic in our region and the wider world.
1. Every person should refrain from internal as well as foreign travel unless this is for extremely urgent and unavoidable purposes;
2. Every person must avoid, in as much as this is possible, public gatherings;
3. Foreign travel from and to Eritrea has diminished significantly on the basis of the first MoH guidelines issued last week. This will be bolstered further henceforth to fully restrict travel from, and to, Eritrea except in urgent and unavoidable circumstances;
4. The MoH will continue to monitor developments and trends regarding COVID-19 and issue, as necessary, further information and guidelines.
Ministry of Health
16 March 2020
Ministry of Health: Timely Public Announcement
Three months have already elapsed since the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in China. In this period, the disease has spread to all the continents at an alarming rate. Over 100,000 people have been infected worldwide while over 4,000 infected patients have died so far.
Not a single person has been infected in Eritrea to-date. However, the country is linked by land, air, and sea with several countries affected by the disease. This makes it urgent and imperative for Eritrea to take precautionary measures to prevent the outbreak and spread of the disease as well as to prepare for all possible scenarios.
In view of these facts, the Ministry of Health issues the following guidelines:
- Continuous sensitization campaigns will be disseminated through the various local media outlets in order to provide timely and full information to the general public. These announcements must be followed with due diligence.
- In view of the potential gravity of the situation and for the sake of their own safety as well as the safety of the Eritrean people, the Ministry of Health urges all nationals and foreigners who may have plans to travel to, and from Eritrea, to postpone their plans on their own volition.
- The Ministry of Health will continue to monitor developments earnestly to assess occurrence, rate and extent of contagion, and other vital parameters and symptoms of the epidemic. It will accordingly issue appropriate announcements and guidelines.
- Visitors who originate directly from, or who have transited through, China, Italy, South Korea and Iran will be quarantined.
Ministry of Health
11 March 2020